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NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program 30d

Berry - Chocolate - Espresso - Strawberry-Kiwi
NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program in Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi flavors,  30 day professional-grade supplement weight loss program NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program in Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi flavors,  30 day professional-grade supplement weight loss program

Retail Price: $199.95

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hc3 Lifestyle Program - 30 Day<br>Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi   

hc3 Lifestyle Program - 30 Day
Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi
NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program in Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi flavors,  30 day professional-grade supplement weight loss program

NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program 30d

Options: Berry - Chocolate - Espresso - Strawberry-Kiwi
Weight: 52 oz
UPC: 812527010826   
SKU: NM4b   

Triple Approach to a Healthy Lifestyle - Diet, Exercise and Nutrition*

Burn fat, reset metabolism, and achieve lasting results with NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle 30-day weight-loss program, featuring professional supplements and guide.*

SKU: NM4b   UPC: 812527010826   Weight: 52 oz

Includes: hc3 Active Complex Drops, Dual-Tox DPO, Methyl B-12 HP, MineralPlex, Power Greens, MCT Oil USP, and Comprehensive Program Guide

Health Categories*
hc3 Lifestyle Program - 30 Day<br>Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi   

hc3 Lifestyle Program - 30 Day
Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi
NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program in Berry, Chocolate, Espresso, Strawberry-Kiwi flavors,  30 day professional-grade supplement weight loss program
  • Description*
    Mother and daughter in the kitchen enjoying a healthy salad together
    Healthy Diet
    attractive young black family riding bicycles together
    Appropriate Exercise
    outer isles of a modern grocery store depicting fresh, whole, natural foods
    Natural Whole Food Nutrition

    hc3 Trim Lifestyle Program and Body Composition

    NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program, a 30-day comprehensive weight-loss program, is designed to help people burn fat and lose weight. "hc3" stands for "Healthy Composition Triple Approach." The triple approach is based on exercise, diet, and nutrition. These three elements combine to improve your body's composition. A person does not improve their body composition solely on the hc3 Active Complex formula or the nutrition that is included in the program box.

    The six included professional-grade supplements contain essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as detoxification support and medium chain triglycerides to support optimal metabolic management. Also included is a comprehensive program guide featuring sample menus and a progress chart. By completing this program, you may enjoy improved body definition and weight loss. If you have found it difficult to lose stubborn fat, you may finally achieve success with this effective program.

    The ideal candidate for the NuMedica hc3 Trim Lifestyle Program is the individual who is serious about making permanent changes in lifestyle, sleep, stress, and food intake. The kit can be used periodically to "jump start" a new lifestyle plan, overcome a plateau, or support your daily metabolic and nutritional health.

    hc3 Trim Lifestyle Program and Metabolism

    With no meals to buy or complicated regimens to follow, NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program helps reset the body's metabolism as it detoxifies and helps it burn stubborn fat. This supplement regimen encourages the body to burn fat stores as a primary energy source. While participating in the program, you may notice decreasing hunger levels, which may encourage you to eat less. The program also provides nutrients that protect the muscles from wasting.

    NuMedica hc3 and a Healthy Diet

    NuMedica hc3 Lifestyle Program encourages a healthy, nutritious diet. When we experience less hunger, we usually eat less. When we aren't governed by hunger, we can usually make better choices regarding our food. When eating fewer sugary foods, fewer processed foods, and sticking to a healthy and nutritious diet, people may begin to experience the weight loss they've been hoping for.

    hc3 Trim Lifestyle Program Kit Components

    Includes six high-quality, professional-grade supplements, shown below, each of which performs a unique function in helping you burn fat and lose weight, and a comprehensive program guide that shows you what to eat and how to use each supplement.

    NuMedica hc3 Trim Active Complex

    NuMedica hc3 Trim Active Complex 2 fluid ounces professional-grade supplement
    hc3 Trim
    Active Complex - 2 fl oz

    Published in the scientific literature as a real tool in fighting obesity, African Mango Extract, found in Active Complex, can help you burn fat, curb appetite, and lose weight.

    hc3 Trim Active Complex also features maca and niacin, as well as a special amino acid blend and other select ingredients to support optimal metabolic management.

    NuMedica Dual-Tox DPO

    NuMedica Dual-Tox DPO 120 vegetable capsules professional-grade supplement
    Dual-Tox DPO - 120 vc

    Enhances the body's natural detoxification process and speeds up toxic build-up removal.

    Provides specific nutrients that research shows are involved in the liver's ability to break down and remove toxins.

    Dual-Tox DPO supports phase I and II detoxification. During the fat-burning process, stored toxins and metabolites are released into the bloodstream. Dual-Tox DPO helps convert these released toxins into a water-soluble form that can then be eliminated in the urine.

    NuMedica Methyl B-12 HP

    NuMedica Methyl B-12 HP 60 servings professional-grade supplement
    Methyl B-12 HP - 60 svgs

    Keeps your energy levels up during metabolic resetting process.

    Supports the various "methylation" pathways in the body, metabolic pathways necessary for making hormone and anti-oxidants, and so much else!

    Methyl B-12 HP, a great tasting, sublingual lozenge, helps increase daytime energy levels and is an essential nutrient during fat burning.

    NuMedica MineralPlex

    NuMedica MineralPlex 120 vegetable capsules professional-grade supplement
    MineralPlex - 120 vc

    Protects your body from mineral depletion during this caloric restriction period.

    MineralPlex contains highly absorbable minerals for optimal absorption and utilization.

    You need trace minerals to run your body systems optimally!

    NuMedica Power Greens

    NuMedica Power Greens Berry 30 Servings professional-grade supplement drink mix
    Power Greens
    Berry - 30 svgs

    Great-tasting powder-drink mix that provides nutrients you need to boost immunity and detox the body. Contains 50 superfoods per serving! Available in berry, chocolate, espresso, mint and strawberry-kiwi flavors.

    Power Greens, loaded with certified organic, whole food plant extracts, helps quench the free radicals that may be produced during the fat burning process. It also assists in keeping your pH in a more alkaline state due to the increase of ketones caused by burning fat as an energy source.

    NuMedica MCT Oil USP

    NuMedica MCT Oil USP 8 fluid ounces professional-grade supplement
    MCT Oil USP - 8 fl oz

    Converts your stored fat into energy, and helps you to burn fat, and not muscle when dieting. You can also use it as a salad dressing during the diet!

    MCT Oil supplies medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are more quickly absorbed by the body and metabolized as fuel.

    The hc3 Active Complex Drops, MCT Oil, and Power Greens team up to provide you with herbs that impact the gut-brain-hunger connection, reduce food cravings, provide your brain with super fuel, and support digestion and gut bacterial balance

    Comprehensive Program Guide

    book page illustrating a program guide

    Explains the metabolic process and provides a specific, meal-plan. A word here- EAT ONLY WHAT IS ON THIS LIST FOR MAXIMUM BENEFITS! Processed foods of any kind are strictly forbidden during the 30 days!

    How does the hc3 Trim Diet work? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 ...

    Step 1: hc3 Trim Weight Loss Program Phase I: 30 Days Long

    Take hc3 drops under the tongue daily, and let your hypothalamus work on mobilizing the fat stored in your body. You will also take daily doses of vitamins and minerals in the kit. hc3 Trim helps you burn the fat and toxins in your body, resculpting and helping with weight loss.

    Eat only 500 - 1,000 calories a day, per the guidelines in the program guide or as directed by your physician. These meals are easy to fix at home, following the suggested meal plans offered in the program guide. Your hypothalamus releases the stored fat in your body. Best of all, most people are not even hungry!

    Step 2: hc3 Trim Metabolic Reset Phase II: 21-30 Days Long

    Phase 2 begins 3 days after you have completed Phase 1. During the Metabolic Reset your food options, as well as your daily caloric intake increase dramatically. You will now consume 1,200 - 1,500 calories daily. By now, your body and brain have changed how they view food. The goal of the Metabolic Reset is to maintain your new fat-to-muscle weight ratio and not lose weight.

    Step 3: Long-Term Change or Begin Phase I Again

    Once you have completed your reset period, you should begin moderate exercise that your health professional has cleared. You will still need to monitor your food and caloric intake and should have a Basal Metabolic Rate test to tell you your new needs. If you desire more weight loss, you can begin Phase I again after completing Phase II.

    What About the hCG Diet with the hCG Drops vs hc3 Trim Drops?

    Many people are familiar with hCG, which is promoted as a powerful tool to make weight loss fast and easy. hCG is a hormone found during pregnancy, and it is pro-ported to "reset" your metabolism, which makes it easy to lose weight. The hCG diet uses hormone injections in combination with a very low-calorie diet, often between 750 and 1000 calories per day.

    So, what do you think is causing you to lose weight? If you said, "probably the low-calorie diet," then we agree! Weight loss may be quick and easy... occasionally. But, if you choose to use a hormone of pregnancy to lose weight, you should expect to gain all of that weight back, and possibly more, when you stop taking the prescription. Population health studies support that weight loss programs don't work in 95% of cases. And, in most situations, individuals gain back 5-10% MORE weight from their starting point.

    How is NuMedica hc3 Trim Diet Different from the hCG Diet?

    First, let's clarify: the hC3 Trim Active Complex Formula (hc3 Trim Drops) used in the NuMedica hc3 Trim Lifestyle Program is NOT hCG. Homeopathic hCG (super-diluted hCG hormone) was banned from commercial distribution by the FDA several years ago. hCG injections remain legal under the care of a licensed healthcare provider.


    The principles of PERMANENT weight loss are elementary and are SUPPORTED by the NuMedica hc3 Trim Program.

    1. Eat whole, raw, natural state foods
    2. Avoid the frightening four: sugar, flour, fructose, and oils (yes, even olive oil)
    3. Sleep 7-8 hours per night
    4. Do NOT eat out- control your own food at all times
    5. Only drink water... you do not need any other types of fluid intake
    6. Plant-based foods to help you detoxify
    7. Use nutritional supplements, like hc3 Trim Kit to support METABOLIC PROCESSES

    Achieving Healthy Body Composition with NuMedica hc3 Trim Requires Lifestyle Changes

    If you are reading this, you certainly realize that our society has a problem with obesity and that weight loss is not simple.

    If losing weight was simply a matter of burning more calories than you expend, we would not have a 60-70% overweight population.

    Know this- your body weight is merely a symptom, a symptom of an underlying metabolic imbalance that includes malnutrition, the immune system, and the hormone systems. In essence, your body weight, lean body mass, and body fat are all the result of how your body is functioning at the cell level .

    NuMedica hc3 Trim is a unique program designed to help you lose weight while you change your lifestyle and eating habits. hc3 Trim is a non-hormonal product that helps curb your appetite while on a low-calorie diet.

    Long-Term Wellness Includes Nutrition, Stress Management and Exercise

    But as we said, weight loss requires more than simple caloric restriction, and that's why hc3 Trim contains the professional-grade nutrients that your body requires. What you do with your diet and lifestyle daily is essential to permanent weight loss. Using nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants and maintaining an ongoing stress reduction program is essential to lean body mass.

    This requires planning, trial and error, and experimenting with different exercises and fun ways. You want to lose weight for a better life: more vitality and energy, better self-image, and more physically active.

    You CAN HAVE WHAT YOU WANT! If you are willing to begin to put all the pieces together: lifestyle, body health and nutrition, and developing your wellness philosophy. This process takes time and continual learning, but you will receive rewards all along the way!

  • Features*
    • Achieving Healthy Body Composition Through a Triple Approach: Diet, Exercise and Nutrition
    • Burning Stored Fat as the Primary Energy Source
    • Diminishing Hunger Levels
    • Resculpting the Body
    • Protecting Muscle from Wasting
  • Ingredients
    Nutrient/Ingredient Amount
    hc3™ trim Active Complex 2 ounces
    Dual-Tox DPO® 120 capsules

    Each Program Contains:

    MCT Oil USP™ 8 ounces
    Methyl B-12 HP™ 60 capsules
    MineralPlex™ 120 capsules
    Power Greens® (Berry, Chocolate, Espresso) or Power Reds (Strawberry-Kiwi) 30 servings
      hc3™ Trim Program Guide
  • Directions
    Product Serving
    Program Guide Comprehensive program guide with instructions and sample menus. Be sure to follow the meal plan- processed foods are a no no!.
    hc3 Active Complex - 2 oz 1 Dropper 60 Take one rubber dropper (equals one half vial) under the tongue twice daily (morning and evening).
    Dual-Tox DPO - 120c 4 Capsules 30 Take four capsules per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
    Power Greens 1 Scoop ~30 Add one scoop to 8 ounces of chilled water and stir or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Keep refrigerated for maximum freshness. Chocolate and Espresso flavors slightly denser than Berry and may average closer to 27 servings per canister- can use a slightly smaller scoop size if want 30 servings.
    Methyl B-12 HP - 60 loz 1 Lozenge 60 Chew or hold one lozenge in mouth daily until dissolved or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
    MineralPlex - 120c 4 Capsules 30 Take four capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
    MCT Oil - 8 oz 1 Tablespoon 16 Take one tablespoon two to four times daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
  • Questions*
    blog post author icon Questions

    If you have a question not answered on this page, please consider submitting it in the Product Questions or Feedback section in the Discussion Forum below.

    frequently asked question icon Can I take Foundation Essentials with other supplements or medications?

    Foundation Essentials is formulated to be a comprehensive daily multivitamin, and for most people, it can be taken alongside other supplements or medications. However, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking prescription medications. Your healthcare provider can help ensure that Foundation Essentials is a good fit for your individual health needs and won't interact with other supplements or medications you may be taking.

    frequently asked question iconHow does the hc3 Lifestyle Program support burning stored fat?

    The hc3 Lifestyle Program is designed to help the body burn stored fat as its primary energy source through a triple approach involving diet, exercise, and nutrition. The program includes a proprietary blend of unique ingredients, such as African mango extract, maca, and niacin, which have been shown to support healthy body composition. Additionally, the MCT Oil included in the program provides medium-chain triglycerides, which are quickly absorbed and metabolized for energy, enhancing thermogenesis and promoting fat burning.

    frequently asked question iconWhat are the benefits of the detoxification support in the hc3 Lifestyle Program?

    The hc3 Lifestyle Program offers detoxification support through the Dual-Tox DPO supplement, which is designed to enhance the body's Phase I and Phase II detoxification processes. This formula contains select ingredients, Dual Phase Optimizers (DPO), to boost the activities of hepatic detoxification enzymes and support healthy detox pathways. Additionally, it includes 5-MTHF (Quatrefolic®), the most biologically active form of folate, which allows for rapid uptake into the bloodstream, aiding in efficient detoxification. This detoxification support helps to manage toxins released during the fat-burning process, promoting overall health and well-being.

    frequently asked question iconWhat components are included in the hc3 Lifestyle Program to protect muscle mass during fat loss?

    The hc3 Lifestyle Program includes several components to protect muscle mass while promoting fat loss. The program features hc3 trim Active Complex, which provides a synergistic blend of ingredients to support healthy body composition without muscle wasting. The comprehensive program guide offers dietary and exercise recommendations to ensure muscle maintenance. Moreover, the inclusion of Methyl B-12 HP helps increase daytime energy levels, supporting overall physical activity and muscle preservation.

  • Reviews*

    Total Product Reviews: 11

    Reviews are from verified customers who purchased the product on They are intended to describe the quality and usefulness of the specific product i.e. "how is the product working for you?". Any benefits or results expressed are based on individual experiences that are unique, cannot be guaranteed, and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Consult with your healthcare practitioner to determine if any supplement you are considering purchasing would be a good option for your specific needs.

    Wow this works fast!

    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on September 6, 2024
    - Verified Purchase
    Easy to follow and works like a charm. If you are serious about shedding those extra stubborn pounds this is it. I paired it with the Numedica ProGi Soothe protein powder. I detoxed my body and shed the weight in no time, in the healthiest way possible. Don't hesitate to get this.


    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on February 23, 2024
    - Verified Purchase

    hc3 Lifestyle

    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on June 16, 2022
    - Verified Purchase
    I've used this program many times over the years to get back on a healthy eating track. It works great.
    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on February 11, 2022
    - Verified Purchase
    I've used this product a few times and always had great success.


    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on October 27, 2021
    - Verified Purchase
    Awesome customer service received my purchase the next day thank you
    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on June 17, 2021
    - Verified Purchase
    work for me very good, with menopause and impossible to lose weight, it has helped me a lot

    Helped jumpstart weight lose.

    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on January 3, 2021
    - Verified Purchase
    If you follow the directions you will see a change.
    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on August 17, 2020
    - Verified Purchase
    I continue to have success with the hc3 lifestyle. It is easy to follow and a stress free way of living.

    All good

    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on October 18, 2019
    - Verified Purchase
    Can't wait to receive it and begin taking the product
    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on May 16, 2019
    - Verified Purchase
    Yay! This is fabulous!
    rating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star iconrating star icon on April 22, 2018
    - Verified Purchase
    Excellent products and fast fair service!
  • Related Content*

Why Choose NuMedica? NuMedica provides clinical nutrition via healthcare providers. They are an NSF® GMP Certified, FDA-registered company implementing the latest quality control standards in the manufacturing and testing of professional supplements. Their formulas are designed with active ingredients for higher performance along with advanced nutrient delivery methods and Enhanced Absorption Technologies™ offering value through increased bioavailability.

Note: Consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, particularly if you have a medical condition or are taking medication.

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Since 2010 has provided professional-grade supplements supported by practical wellness content focussed on healthy living, risk reduction, and chronic disease elimination. Take advantage of our free online wellness education program Your Wellness Lifestyle.

jay, customer service representative, First Fitness Nutrition, NuMedica reseller
Customer Service: Jay promotes a lifestyle of well-being with emphasis on whole-foods nutrition, reasonable exercise, stress management, proper sleep, and the use of targeted, high-quality supplements to augment what is missing in our diet. We encourage others to live better through making small, gradual, healthy changes to lifestyle behaviors.

Jay is a founder of and has provided customer service, managed and operated the business ever since.

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    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 10/29/20 11:36 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Which flavor is liked the most?

    Post Reply
    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:37 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    How much water should I drink each day?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:37 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Divide your body weight in half and consume that amount in ounces of water in small amounts throughout the day. (For example, a person weighing 200 lbs. should drink at least 100 ounces of water in small amounts throughout the day.)

    Post Reply
    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:35 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Will I feel hungry while on this Program?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:36 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Most people report a feeling of being satisfied while using this Program, even though their actual food intake may be lower than normal. If you experience hunger, talk to your healthcare practitioner about program modifications; see the Program Guide for more information.

    Post Reply
    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:34 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    How do I maintain my fat to muscle ratio after I complete this Program?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:34 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    This Program is not merely a diet. This Program helps to improve your metabolism, especially when you maintain a proper diet and exercise regimen.* It is important to maintain the daily caloric intake amount your doctor recommends after the completion of the Program. Eating natural, organic foods and avoiding refined flours and sugars will provide the nutrients and energy required to keep a healthy, balanced weight.*

    Post Reply
    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:33 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Should I exercise during this Program?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:33 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Yes - a combination of cardio and resistance exercise is recommended during this Program. Consult your healthcare practitioner for an exercise program that is right for you.

    Post Reply
    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:32 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Can this Program be used while breast feeding?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:32 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Speak with your healthcare practitioner before beginning this Program.

    Post Reply
    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:30 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Can vegetarians use this Program?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 09/05/20 07:30 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Yes, vegetarians can use this Program by using Total Vegan® and other vegetarian protein sources instead of those listed in the Program Guide.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

* There is NO GUARANTEE OF SPECIFIC RESULTS for the products or services offered, and the RESULTS CAN VARY for each individual. Any results claimed by our customers are based on individual experiences that are unique and cannot be guaranteed.

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