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NuMedica Eliminator Bronze

30-Day Weight Loss Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb and hc3 Active Complex Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb and hc3 Active Complex

Retail Price: $74.85

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Eliminator Bronze<br>
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack   

Eliminator Bronze
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb and hc3 Active Complex
Eliminator Bronze with SlimFit Protein<br>
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack   

Eliminator Bronze with SlimFit Protein
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb, hc3 Active Complex, and SlimFit Protein
Eliminator Bronze with Total Vegan Protein<br>
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack   

Eliminator Bronze with Total Vegan Protein
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb, hc3 Active Complex and Total Vegan Protein

NuMedica Eliminator Bronze

Options: 30-Day Weight Loss Pack
Weight: 9.5 oz
SKU: SR101   

Kick Those Last 5 Pounds To The Curb!*

When paired with healthy eating, hydration, and exercise, you'll be fitting into that one-size smaller outfit in no time.*

SKU: SR101   Weight: 9.5 oz

Includes: NuMedica Appe-Curb, hc3 Trim Active Complex

  1. Choose Options: Pack, Pack + SlimFit Protein or Pack + Total Vegan Protein
  2. Choose Flavor: Chocolate, Mocha or Vanilla
Health Categories*
Eliminator Bronze<br>
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack   

Eliminator Bronze
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb and hc3 Active Complex
Eliminator Bronze with SlimFit Protein<br>
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack   

Eliminator Bronze with SlimFit Protein
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb, hc3 Active Complex, and SlimFit Protein
Eliminator Bronze with Total Vegan Protein<br>
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack   

Eliminator Bronze with Total Vegan Protein
30-Day Weight Loss Supplement Pack
Eliminator Bronze 30 day weight loss supplement pack includes NuMedica Appe-Curb, hc3 Active Complex and Total Vegan Protein
  • Description*

    Maybe you've put on some unwanted belly fat this season or you have those last 5 pounds to lose to reach your goal, no need to fear- the 5 Pound Eliminator is here to help! This is our top selling entry level Weight Loss Supplement Package. There are 2 key ingredients in this secret sauce that make it a winning combination for quick and lasting results.

    Are we just slaves to our cravings?

    Our brain is always looking for a reward, and very often, addictive and unhealthy foods are what we turn to. Those potato chips, that ice cream, the "adult beverage", the nicotine, all send instant pleasure signals to the brain. Unfortunately, the warning signals your brain gets from eating a donut are too little too late. If it takes two weeks of eating poorly to put on five pounds, too many things have occurred between the action (eating the donuts every day) and the reaction (I'm 5 pounds heavier), and the brain just can't calculate the real problem that unhealthy food has caused. So what can be done? Are we just slaves to our cravings, or do we have to feel deprived all the time to get/stay healthy? NO! All we need is a little help to get disciplined and avoid those negative cravings. Remember that cravings are simply your body's way of telling you it needs something.

    One of the most profound examples I ever saw of this was a craving I developed for chocolate. This was not usual for me, as I can usually take or leave it, but I felt like I would lose my mind if I didn't get some right away. It got so bad that I was eating cocoa powder straight, with just a little coconut oil to get it down, no sugar added! After some investigation, I discovered I was extremely magnesium deficient. Chocolate is high in magnesium, so my body was craving it. After a few large doses of magnesium, my cravings went completely away!

    So how can you reduce your cravings and lose those unwanted pounds?

    NuMedica Appe-Curb

    NuMedica AppeCurb 120 vegetable capsules professional-grade supplement
    AppeCurb - 120 vc

    First, use Appe-Curb, which works with your natural neurotransmitters to help reduce the desire for alcohol, tobacco, sugar, and other highly addictive foods.  It also reduces the desire for carbohydrates and can help you increase energy and better mood.

    NuMedica hc3 Trim Active Complex

    NuMedica hc3 Trim Active Complex 2 fluid ounces professional-grade supplement
    hc3 Trim
    Active Complex - 2 fl oz

    The second item in this package is hc3 Trim Active Complex with African Mango Extract, which is just as good (if not better) than the original hc3 Trim formulation. This unique product of the African Mango helps your body naturally burn fat. A clinical trial from 2009 concluded that the African Mango pit, "...a novel seed extract of the West African plant Irvingia gabonensis, significantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight humans in a randomized double-blind placebo controlled investigation." [1] With a sensible eating plan, your body is sure to lose those inches. By taking this sublingually (under the tongue), you get maximum absorption.

    Meal Replacement Shake Options

    Total Vegan Protein

    NuMedica Total Vegan Protein 14 servings professional-grade supplement drink mix
    Total Vegan Protein
    Chocolate Delight - 14 svgs

    Total Vegan Protein is low on the glycemic index, dairy free, nut free, soy free. Added bonus: it tastes great! How many shakes have you tried that tasted like the cardboard they came in? Liberate yourself from choking down another meal replacement, and ENJOY this shake. Comes in chocolate, vanilla, and now mocha flavors. Mix and match. For added flavor combos, try blending vanilla with different berries creating endless options.

    Slim Fit Protein

    NuMedica SlimFit Protein 21 servings professional-grade supplement drink mix
    SlimFit Protein
    Dutch Chocolate - 21 svgs

    Want to lose weight, but not sure what shakes you can trust? NuMedica's SlimFit Protein superior meal replacement shakes come in all of your favorite flavors, and are the highest-end quality you've come to know with NuMedica. This is the stuff you can get from upscale pharmacies and physician's offices in medical weight loss programs. SlimFit is your very best option for meal replacement, weight loss products.

    1 Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon.
  • Ingredients
    Nutrient/Ingredient Amount

    Each Program Contains:

    hc3 trim Active Complex 60 svgs
    Appe-Curb 30 sfgls
    Shake (Total Vegan Chocolate or Vanilla) 14 svgs
    Shake (SlimFit Dutch Chocolate or French Vanilla) 21 svgs
  • Directions

    Active Complex: Shake well. Take one dropper full in 2-4 ounces of water twice daily (morning and afternoon) or as suggested by your healthcare practitioner.

    Appe-Curb: Take four capsules before breakfast and four capsules before lunch or at mid-afternoon (2-3 pm) or as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not take after 3 pm.

    SlimFit Protein: Stir or blend 2 scoops (60 grams) into 8-10 ounces of water or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. To increase sweetness, use less water. To decrease sweetness, add more water.

    Total Vegan Protein: Stir or blend two scoops (44.3 g) into 10-12 ounces of cold water or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. To increase sweetness, use less water. To decrease sweetness, add more water.

  • Related Content*

Why Choose NuMedica? NuMedica provides clinical nutrition via healthcare providers. They are an NSF® GMP Certified, FDA-registered company implementing the latest quality control standards in the manufacturing and testing of professional supplements. Their formulas are designed with active ingredients for higher performance along with advanced nutrient delivery methods and Enhanced Absorption Technologies™ offering value through increased bioavailability.

Note: Consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, particularly if you have a medical condition or are taking medication.

About Quality, Reliable, Fast

Since 2010 has provided professional-grade supplements supported by practical wellness content focussed on healthy living, risk reduction, and chronic disease elimination. Take advantage of our free online wellness education program Your Wellness Lifestyle.

jay, customer service representative, First Fitness Nutrition, NuMedica reseller
Customer Service: Jay promotes a lifestyle of well-being with emphasis on whole-foods nutrition, reasonable exercise, stress management, proper sleep, and the use of targeted, high-quality supplements to augment what is missing in our diet. We encourage others to live better through making small, gradual, healthy changes to lifestyle behaviors.

Jay is a founder of and has provided customer service, managed and operated the business ever since.

We welcome your  phone icon  call at (888) 424-0032 or  email icon  email anytime. We can't always respond immediately, but we will do so soon. We are even known to respond after hours and on weekends! Learn more about us.

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    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 10/19/17 11:05 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Is this product gluten free.

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 10/20/17 09:53 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    Yes. Both the NuMedica Appe-Curb and Active Complex supplements are gluten free.

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    comment posted by icon Guest  comment posted timestamp icon 08/30/17 08:37 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    On the bottle of Hc3 it says to mix in water but when I read about it, it said it is sublingual and to put it under your tongue. Which one is the way to take it ?

    comment posted by icon Admin  comment posted timestamp icon 08/30/17 08:43 AM CDT  ban post icon 

    You can do either. It may be a bit more efficient to take it under the tongue, and easier if you don't mind the taste.

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

* There is NO GUARANTEE OF SPECIFIC RESULTS for the products or services offered, and the RESULTS CAN VARY for each individual. Any results claimed by our customers are based on individual experiences that are unique and cannot be guaranteed.

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