You Are A Powerful Chemist
Encouragement Family Personal Growth
Today I will share a lesson I've learned on what helps marriages succeed.

You Are A Powerful Chemist
Encouragement Family Personal Growth
Today I will share a lesson I've learned on what helps marriages succeed.
How many of you, reading the title of this series alone, thought, "Gee, I wish my husband/wife would read this. He/She sure isn't meeting my needs in our marriage"? If so, this blog post is for you. Because I've found I hold all the keys to a happy marriage without depending very much on what my spouse reads.
You see, to really have an amazing marriage, you need to OWN one simple truth- You are responsible for you and your actions. One day, when I was feeling less than blissful in my marriage, it dawned on me that maybe the problem was not my husband, but my perspective and my attitude. Maybe, if it was to be, it was up to me- And that changed my life. When I started living and thinking by the principles I have given you, I realized that I had a whole lot to do with my frustration. I realized that I could go my whole life trying to be these things, and never meet the mark daily, and until I met the mark, I had no right to cast stones!
Then, the satisfaction I felt in my marriage increased dramatically. I had the keys to the kingdom: I had to work on me, and let God work on my husband if it was necessary. I had to be gentle, humble, and meek; be a truth speaker; be careful to guard innocence; be someone who plots to do good; be ready to rush into showing the fruits of love; be accurate in my thinking and speech, and be unwilling to stir up dissension. It was a freeing moment to know that I was responsible for the chemistry or lack there of with my man.

Libby Wright, mother of four who homeschools, is an original founder of SupplementRelief.com in 2010. She suffered through challenging diseases including Interstitial Cystitis, Graves and Lyme. After years of little progress with traditional medicine, she pursued integrative medicine, applied what she learned, and got healthier. She became passionate about wanting others to experience the same "relief" she had come to know, and SupplementRelief.com was born. She is now managing her illness with a lot of prayer, a lot of nutrition/supplements, and a little prescription medicine. She has been able to resume her normal life and, while there is no cure for her particular conditions, she is able to cope, enjoy every day, and encourage others.
Learn more about Libby Wright.