Yes! Stress Makes You Fat Part 2
How can you support your adrenal glands more? Adrenals are what help your body respond to stress, and when not properly cared for, weight gain can result!
Yes! Stress Makes You Fat Part 2
How can you support your adrenal glands more? Adrenals are what help your body respond to stress, and when not properly cared for, weight gain can result!
Last blog, we discussed the adrenal system and how it connects to fat. Long ago, the adrenal gland was used when you were hunting a bear and it turned on you. There were two options once the adrenaline kicked in: you could run away to safety (burning that stress) or you would be eaten by a bear and, well, being fat was the least of your worries, no?
Now, we cycle through stress day after day, week after week, year after year. Most of us do not exercise enough to burn that stress daily. The result? Our adrenal glands can suffer from BURN OUT also known as Adrenal Fatigue. They are designed for short bursts of physical stress, not long periods of emotional and mental strain.
So how do we help support our adrenals? First, exercise is a great way to burn stress. Second, you can support your glands to work in this environment. Our website offers some great solutions. If you're looking for one single supplement, I'd like to recommend NuMedica AdrenaMed. NuMedica Multimedica, a great multi-vitamin for men or women is another way to help support your body for the long-term. Finally, I'd recommend meditating on something positive. I love the book of Psalms. Sit quietly and read something, breathing deeply, and thinking grateful thoughts!
Do something kind for your spirit, body, and mind today, and find a way to de-stress!
Libby Wright, mother of four who homeschools, is an original founder of in 2010. She suffered through challenging diseases including Interstitial Cystitis, Graves and Lyme. After years of little progress with traditional medicine, she pursued integrative medicine, applied what she learned, and got healthier. She became passionate about wanting others to experience the same "relief" she had come to know, and was born. She is now managing her illness with a lot of prayer, a lot of nutrition/supplements, and a little prescription medicine. She has been able to resume her normal life and, while there is no cure for her particular conditions, she is able to cope, enjoy every day, and encourage others.
Learn more about Libby Wright.