What Else Can I Drink?
There are many, many people who are not water fans. I admit, it can be an acquired taste, especially if you live in a place where the tap water doesn't taste good. So, what else can you safely drink?

What Else Can I Drink?
There are many, many people who are not water fans. I admit, it can be an acquired taste, especially if you live in a place where the tap water doesn't taste good. So, what else can you safely drink?
- Coffee- black (any variety)
- Tea- any variety, but the healthiest are the greens and herbals
- Infused water- okay, I'm cheating a bit here since it is water, but the options are truly endless. Try berries, citrus fruit, cucumbers, basil, ginger, mint, etc... and you'll never think water is boring again!
- Smoothies- full of hydration value, and great nutrition
- Fresh juices- from your juicer. Caution: "regular" juices are full of sugars and lack the pulp fibers that keep blood sugars stable. Make your own juice, or buy at a reputable juicing establishment.
Get hydrating, and be sure to post your favorite hydrating water alternatives on our Discussion Forum!

Libby Wright, mother of four who homeschools, is an original founder of SupplementRelief.com in 2010. She suffered through challenging diseases including Interstitial Cystitis, Graves and Lyme. After years of little progress with traditional medicine, she pursued integrative medicine, applied what she learned, and got healthier. She became passionate about wanting others to experience the same "relief" she had come to know, and SupplementRelief.com was born. She is now managing her illness with a lot of prayer, a lot of nutrition/supplements, and a little prescription medicine. She has been able to resume her normal life and, while there is no cure for her particular conditions, she is able to cope, enjoy every day, and encourage others.
Learn more about Libby Wright.