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7 Supplements to Boost Metabolism

  blog post author icon   blog post published date icon   04/15/21


We all know that a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential for staying healthy. Did you know that supplementing your diet with the right vitamins and minerals can help maintain a healthy weight? Some vitamins and minerals can even help boost our metabolism.

chalkboard writing says boost your metabolism accompanies by fruit, dumbbell and measuring tape

7 Supplements to Boost Metabolism

  blog post author icon   blog post published date icon   04/15/21


We all know that a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are essential for staying healthy. Did you know that supplementing your diet with the right vitamins and minerals can help maintain a healthy weight? Some vitamins and minerals can even help boost our metabolism.

Maintaining a healthy weight is a challenge for many of us, especially as we get older. With 73.6% of adults in the US (2017-18) overweight or obese, weight maintenance is a struggle many of us face.

With the right combination of a healthy diet, enough exercise, and supplements for metabolism, it is possible to maintain our goal weight. By following these principles, we can live a healthier and more energetic life.

What Is Metabolism?

Your metabolism is the term used to describe the chemical processes that take place to maintain your cells' living state. In the body, metabolism is the reaction that turns food into energy. The calories from your food and drink combine with oxygen and turn into energy. 

The right vitamins can help speed up this chemical process in the body. This is why some vitamins and minerals can potentially speed up your body's metabolism. A deficiency in specific vitamins can disrupt your body's ability to metabolize your food.

What Are Vitamins?

Vitamins are the compounds our bodies require to sustain normal functions, growth, and repair.

There are many vitamins that are essential for our bodies to function including vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. Then there are the B Vitamins, for example, B6 and B12, folate and riboflavin. Each vitamin has a different function and is required for various processes in the body.

1. B Vitamins

If you don't think you are consuming enough B vitamins as part of your diet, check with your healthcare provider and consider adding them to your supplement regime.

The B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins that play an essential role in converting food to energy. If you have the right amount of B vitamins in your body, you will convert food to energy more efficiently, rather than storing it as fat.

If you are deficient in B vitamins, specifically B12, you may feel tired and lethargic. Many 'energy boosting' drinks claim to have B vitamins in them. This type of product is often energy boosting because it has added sugar or caffeine in it, though.

The best way to maintain your vitamin consumption of all the B vitamins is to supplement them.

B12 is one of the most important B vitamins to take regularly as it is crucial for brain function. B12 is only present in animal products (such as fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products), so if you are vegetarian or vegan, consider taking a regular supplement.

2. Iron

Another essential you should consider adding to your supplement regimen if you are looking to boost your metabolism is iron. Iron is vital for the efficient functioning of red blood cells. Without enough iron, your body cannot carry oxygen around your body efficiently.

Oxygen is crucial for the metabolic process that takes place in your cells. If your cells cannot metabolize your food efficiently to turn it into energy, they will store it as fat.

There is iron in many common foods, such as red meat and leafy, green vegetables. Many people who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet have low iron levels, so benefit from an iron supplement.

It is possible to have too much iron in the body, and this can be dangerous. Make sure you discuss with your doctor which supplements are best for you based on your health profile.

3. Magnesium

Many processes in the body rely on magnesium, including metabolism. Magnesium is essential for maintaining blood sugar levels and regulating muscle and nerve function.

Without magnesium, we may feel weak or tired and have muscle cramps. Magnesium is an easy mineral to supplement, and it often comes in the form of drops to add to water or an oral spray.

4. Calcium

Known mainly for its benefits to bone health, calcium is another essential mineral that can impact our metabolism. Calcium can increase the body's core temperature, which may, in turn, boost metabolism.

Clinical evidence suggests that a diet deficient in calcium can result in higher body weight.

Calcium is found in seeds, nuts, and dairy products but the easiest way to ensure you are getting enough is to supplement it.

5. Adaptogens for Energy

You may not have heard of adaptogens, but they are naturally occurring herbs and spices that can help the body fight stress.

Stress causes an increase in the hormone cortisol, which can lead to weight gain. If you can minimize the stress your body suffers, you can maintain a healthy weight and functioning metabolism.

Tumeric, ginseng, licorice root, and goji berries are all adaptogens that can help your body and mind deal with battling stress. You can take all of these in supplement form. 

6. Vitamin D

This essential vitamin is important in the struggle of maintaining a healthy weight. Enough vitamin D can help balance blood sugar levels.

Many people living in the northern hemisphere should consider monitoring their D level, and if deficient, upping their Vitamin D intake, especially in the winter months.

7. Fish Oils

The omegas found in fish oils are another essential component for the chemical reactions in our cells to take place. Having enough omegas is important as they support muscle strength.

The stronger your muscles, the more energy they require to move, so the quicker your body uses energy.

Choose the Right Supplements For You

To know which supplements for metabolism you should start with, speak with your healthcare provider about options.

A health professional will tell you which vitamins you are deficient in and which are most vital for you to supplement with. They can find this out with a simple blood test.

As you can see, our bodies need a complex concoction of vitamins and minerals to operate optimally. Try to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle to optimize your health.

Our site has a whole host of tips and ideas for getting started with healthy living. Start taking the steps towards a healthier you today.

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Jay Todtenbier is one of the founders of in 2010 and has operated the business ever since. He is also a tennis instructor and gospel musician. Formerly, he spent 25 years in business development, technology, and marketing with startups and major corporations, having gone through the tech boom in Silicon Valley in the 90s. He became passionate about and began studying and practicing Wellness as a Lifestyle after experiencing chronic, personal health challenges, including depression, auto-immune disorders, and being overweight, which impacted his ability to live a healthy, vibrant life. Since then, he has advocated for healthier living, encouraging others to live better by making small, gradual changes to lifestyle behaviors relating to whole-food nutrition, stress management, reasonable exercise, proper sleep, and targeted high-quality supplements.

Learn more about Jay Todtenbier.

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